Did my sister steal from me

Did my sister steal from me? It worries me a lot, I cannot sleep or eat with worry, can you help me? Please read this and tell me what you think…

Did my sister steal my money? An article by ask advice columnist online. We are talking about a thousand dollars,Did my sister steal from me? Articles given to me by my landlord because of a rebate regarding my rent. I have been waiting for this money so that I can go out and buy some much needed things for my home. A pair of curtains for the bedroom, a table for the kitchen. There are no curtains at all there now and the kitchen table is shaky and wobbly because one of it’s legs is too short. Nobody can repair it so it has to be replaced.

Did my sister steal from me

When the landlord gave me the money I put it in what I thought was a safe place, in one of my drawers at the back. Then for weeks I left it there waiting for a chance to get a whole day where I could walk around the shops and take a good look at things. I wanted to take my time on deciding what to get, not rush into something and then see something I like better later, I had done this many times before. Now I know I should have consulted an advice columnist online. If I had things would be better. But I did not know about them and I had nobody to ask.

The money was safely tucked away in that drawer for weeks, or so I thought. My sister was the only one who had visited quite a lot and who was in the kitchen when I was busy. When I managed to get a whole day I could spend shopping and was in the right mood for it I went to get the money and it had disappeared. Eh ? Where was it? To make it worse my sister came back to see me a few days later showing off a new coat she had got. And no I did not put it somewhere else and remember it all wrong, I know for a fact I put i there. Now it was gone. Yet I had tried so hard to

I eventually brought myself to ask her about my money, I worded it very carefully and made sure I did not accuse her but of course but I did make sure that I did ask her and she said she knew nothing about it and acted all innocent. This is the problem. When you accuse someone you alienate them and they hate you and get angry with you even if they are guilty so in a way accusing them or asking them does not find out a thing and makes things worse.

She is the only person who could have taken it. So please don’t start asking me daft questions like who else went in the kitchen. I am not dumb and that is obviously the first thing you think of. SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO WENT IN THERE WITHOUT ME. Or was she?

I had never told her that there was money in a drawer and she did not ask me but she did know the landlord had given me some money and she knew why and she knew it was in the house. Now what? If I accuse her it will turn into a huge argument and she will walk out and never speak to me again. If I do not say anything I will fume and hate her and never be able to trust her wanting to watch her all of the time. So I cannot win. Hence I am having a moan online. My friend told me about this great advice columnist who works online called Charlotte Craig, she has helped my friend through a tough time and she thought I should see what she had to say about my sister and this money. You can get good advice on such questions for free at ask agony aunt advice online. You can also get psychic advice about such things at cheap email psychic readings online or web clairvoyant psychic. Whoever you go to make sure they are genuine, proper professionals who care.

Hence here I am on this site, one I had never heard of before. It had occurred to me to write to a magazine and ask for advice on this but their slow replies and short vague replies put me off, I wanted something that was quicker and better than that. Hence only a professional advice columnist will do for me.Did my sister steal from me?

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I am Basudev Chalaune. Self Founder Salyan Tech Pvt. Ltd. Online Earning, Website Design, Php Script, YouTuber.

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